Friday, March 4, 2011

star trek 2

<b></b>: <a href="" target="_blank">star trek</a> by <a href="" target="_blank">scamacca</a><br/><embed src='' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' wmode='transparent' width='400' height='268' FlashVars='userId=0YaFcQ-pshho&movieId=06idXnYJSUHk&chain_mids=&movieLid=4&movieTitle=star+trek&movieDesc=&apiserver=' allowScriptAccess='always' allowFullScreen='true'></embed><br/>Like it? Create your own at <a href='' target="_blank"><b></b></a>. It's free and fun!

1st time animate 1st time by scamacca

Like it? Create your own at It's free and fun!

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Ok, I just set up my Twitter account so I am now going to try and link it with this blog so let's see if I can do it.!/shannonscamacca

I think it worked but not sure how to put it on my dashboard.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Net Neutrality

Ok, ok I get it the idea of the "article" for Net Neutrality and not being to access it was to show us what would happen if the FCC did not step in and make sure that the providers do not have the chance to overcharge people for the use of their sites.  I read a couple of different articles from "The Times" and from Verizon and I see that this is not the way we want to go in the future, it is almost as if the companies are trying to take away our Constitutional rights.

The American Railroads: A Long and Storied History

This kind of reminds me about the information I have been reading for my US History class.  The Railroad companies tried to do the same thing with their tracks across the country.  The companies tried to extort as much money while they were laying the tracks.  Then after the tracks were down they tried to control the various load they would carry from other companies as well as the towns they went through.  We cannot allow companies to strong arm our freedom of speech, ideas, or the way we collect information and data.  I can understand that the time and energy that went into all the equipment that need to be put out there has to be paid for but it seems to me that is why there are advertisements and I can see how they could charge a fee for certain things.  Even though I don't think we need more government control, I do see that we need to make sure this does not happen with some government program overseeing this.  This is so that we do not get over charged just for basic information or Web site charges in order to access the Web.  I was unaware of this situation but with the information I will gain from this class I don't want to loose the chance to use what I learn because I am not going to be forced to pay exorbitant amounts of money just to go to a Web site.

Monday, January 31, 2011

chapter 1

The definition of the Internet is the computer network world wide that links computers together in order for people to talk to each other, look for governmental information, banking, shopping, social networking, and educational purposes as well as for other things.  The things that we now use the Internet for is mind boggling.  The use of the Internet is largely different from it's inception of connecting computers to one another in 1957.  The age of computers communicating and transferring data from one place to another through the Internet has blossomed.  We all take advantage of getting information about what ever it is we look for or need without a second thought as to how it gets to us.  When I watched the video connected to our reading assignment I was amazed at how far computers did go back, as well as how quickly we got here with all the information we need at our fingertips, for example lap tops and smart phones.  I found this neat "You Tube" video on computers of the future and I thought it was interesting because it is something you see on "CSI" and these are things that are available now.      

<iframe title="YouTube video player" class="youtube-player" type="text/html" width="480" height="390" src="" frameborder="0" allowFullScreen></iframe>

Businesses use computers in various ways in order to get their product out there in so many ways it is amazing how this has changed the way people shop or make decisions because information is available within a small period of time.  People do not have to leave their home to buy things anymore.  Below is the web site for the company I work for (which has only been around for about a year or so), the technology is new to our company. 
Temporaries, Temps to Hire & Permanent Placement
Temporary Staffing Services
Permanent Staffing Services
Temporaries, Temps to Hire, Temporary Work:
Permanent Employees, Permanent Placement:
Information can be viewed other than through sales people or brochures.  Social networks are not only used by individuals but companies use these sites in order to reach people that they may not have in the past.  With the Internet companies can use "cookies" to get their product line out to people or they can reach people with coupons or special offers, for example I receive information from Bath and Body Works on my Facebook page.  I can also join groups on Facebook and be able to reach people that are interested in things that are interesting to me.  What would we do without the Internet?  We are able to communicate with people we never would have spoke to if there wasn't the Web, and to loose this or not be able to access it would be a detriment to all.  I am very excited to be able to learn all I can on how to use the computer and the Internet more efficiently and through this course I can see this happening.